miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2009

My Grandfather

His name is Pepe.
I have known only a grandfather and a grandmother on my father's side. My grandfather was born in 1930. He got three sisters.
My grandfather is a very funny and nice person. He married my grandmother and had four children. His father died in the Civil War, and his mother because of her old age. He ran a shop of printing, a library, and a stationary.
They started to work in the shop of my uncle's granfather, Fernando. A year ago I started to work with them. My grandfather couldn't go to the shop last week because he had fallen down and he had broken his left hip.

1 comentario:

pedroj.martinez dijo...

Hi Laura
I would like to know in which side your grand father had to fight during the Civil War, and if you have got some stories about his life in the front.
That would be very interesting for everybody.