domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009

Skin art


In the past most people associated tattoos with sailors and bikers. But tattoos have become more popular in recent years.
People think about tattoos that ink pictures are in the epidermis but this isn´t true; the ink is in the dermis. Since any picture wouldn't be potential for infection and disease transmision, tattoo artists use sterilization to protect themselves and their clients, even materials are single use.
Some Americans with tattoos say they feel more sexy and more attractive. A lot of people who haven't got any tattoos, however, think that people who have got them look less attractive, more rebellious and less intelligent.
But even small tattoos should cost from 50 to 100 dollars. Custom tattoos and larger designs are more expensive.
In conclusion, some people who would have never thought of tattooing representatios now they would be thinking in them.

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